About KCOA

Kenya Clinical Officers’ Association (KCOA) is a professional society established in 1962 and formally registered under societies act cap 108 on 9th July 1981 to promote continuous professional developmentand welfare of the members. This is achieved through training, capacity building, advocacy, mobilization and socio-economic empowerment. KCOA has a membership of 5000, 3000 are in public sector and 2000 are in private sector, with new members continuously registering and subscribing. The potential membership is 25,000 clinical officers who have been registered and licensed to practice by the Kenya Clinical Officers Council (COC).
Clinical Officers are key stakeholders in the provision of healthcare in Kenya and the region. They form the backbone of healthcare provision especially in the rural setup where 80 percent of Kenyans live. They provide essential health services at primary and tertiary health care levels both as general practitioners and specialists. The clinical officers are amongst the frontline healthcare workers to manage patients in different categories, namely; from referral, specialist consultation, admission to the ward and general treatment as outpatients.
KCOA's objectives and functions are supplementary and complementary to health sector building blocks, functions and responsibilities.
Service to uphold total health
Objectives of KCOA include: -
II. To promote education and application of clinical knowledge for the good and health of mankind.
III. To collaborate with the Clinical Officers Council in maintaining the standards of the professional conduct, code of ethics and enforce their application by all members for the dignity of the profession.
IV. To organise periodic meetings of the association for professional, educational and social development.
V. To disseminate such information as may be thought necessary by means of journals, bulletins or any other method for the fulfilment of these objectives.
VI. To maintain an up-to-date list of bonafide members.
VII. To promote the role of clinical officers as integral members of the healthcare teams.
VIII. To facilitate information exchange between members, health-care professionals, patients, consumers and pharmaceutical or allied industry.
IX. To collaborate with similar associations, organizations or allied professionals and establishments in Kenya, neighboring countries, the commonwealth and other countries in the world for the attainment of these objectives.
X. To form association branches for purposes of advancing the objectives of the association.
XI. To support Clinical Officers training colleges alumni and build national and international networks.
XII. To maintain an uptodate list of bonafide members
Structure of the KCOA organization
- President and National Chairman
- National Vice Chairman
- Secretary General
- Deputy Secretary General
- National Treasurer
- Deputy National treasurer
- Organising Secretary
- National Executive Committee (NEC)
- National Trustees (2)
- Regional Coordinators (10)
- Director of Clinical Services (Ex-Official)
- Co-opted members
- National Executive Committee (NEC)
- National Advisory Committee (NAC)
- All Branches Chairpersons and Secretaries
- Coast:- Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu and Taita-Taveta
- Northern Kenya:- Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Isiolo and Marsabit
- Eastern:- Machakos, Makueni, Kitui, Embu, Tharaka-Nthi and Meru
- Central:- Kiambu, Murang'a, Kirinyaga, Nyeri and Nyandarua
- Nairobi:- Nairobi, Afya Annex, KMTC and KNH
- South Rift Valley:- Kajiado, Narok, Bomet and Kericho
- Central Rift Valley:- Nakuru, Baringo, Laikipia and Samburu
- North Rift Valley:- Nandi, Uasin-Gishu, Elgeyo-Marakwet, Trans-Nzoia, WestPokot, Turkana and MTRH
- Western:- Busia, Vihiga, Kakamega and Bungoma
- Nyanza:- Kisii, Nyamira, Homabay, Migori, Siaya and Kisumu
- Branch Chairman
- Branch Vice-Chairman
- Branch Secretary
- Branch Deputy Secretary
- Branch Treasurer
- County Clinical Officer (Ex-Official)
Standing Committees
- Legal & Ethics
- Education & Publications
- Investment & public relations
- Finance & Administration
- Monitoring, Evaluation & Sustainability

- Legal, Ethical practice and Disciplinary.
- KCOA constitution review & implementation.
- Policies development and implementation.
- Professional Indemnity Cover - development and implementation.
- Development of this committee’s proposed operation budget
- Website enhancement, management & publicity
- Scientific conferences & Symposiums Management
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points management
- Academic advancement & curricula development
- Leadership & Technical update training
- Management of professional Journal, Magazine & Research promotion
- Development of this committee’s proposed operation budget
- Send off (Bereavement) services
- Retirement/Pension support sensitization
- Investment projects (Collective & individual)
- Entrepreneurship (Medical & Non-Medical)
- Pool procurement & pool marketing of products & services.
- Property ownership (mainly land, plots & homes)
- Income generation - activities & methods.
- Development of this committee’s proposed operation budget
- Financial sourcing & pooling
- Income generation activities, Products innovation and Resources consolidation
- Liaison with financial institutions, partners & donors.
- Membership subscriptions(Check off & Mpesa) management
- Branches (Counties) bank accounts opening and Maintenance.
- Annual budget development and Expenditure control.
- Development of this committee’s proposed operation budget.
- Secretariat enhancement (Members’ registration, Identification documents, Office infrastructure etc)
- Administration (HR management, Leadership meetings, General meetings, Elections etc) support.
- Management of KCOA annual calendar of events.
- Monitoring & Evaluation (Performance Audit)
- Internal financial audit
- Continuous membership recruitment and mobilization
- Leadership induction, sensitization, advocacy and development.
- Students’ associate membership induction, initiation and mentorship
- Emeritus (Senior professional members) recognition.
- Development of KCOA 5 years strategic plan.
- Liaison n diplomatic relations with all key stakeholders namely; MOH, COC, KUCO Partners, etc.
- Development of a proposed operation budget for this committee.